Oxford Socially Responsible Investment CampaignCampaigning for Socially Responsible Investment in OxfordWhat is your college supporting?
 Calling for Socially Responsible Investment across Oxford University
Colleges & University > Oriel College

College Information
Oriel College

Campaign Information
College Investments (03/04): £49 million
Active Campaign?: Yes
College Contact: timothy.davies@oriel.oxford.ac.uk
Recent Activities: Any activities in this institution should be logged in the updates and reports section below, or in the discussion space.
Fairtrade Campaign? You may consider working alongside the Fairtrade campaign in your college to look at wider issues of Social Responsibility. Click here for details on Fairtrade in your college.
These pages of the website exist as an interactive way of campaigners across colleges to record their activities and findings, both for easy reference now, and to make sure the SRI campaign remains sustainable into the future. You can share resources (e.g. documents, reports, data) and updates (brief summaries of what you've been up to, news, questions) simply by clicking the links below and following the steps shown. These pages also include research tools to help you keep an eye on any SRI developments that may be relevant to your college...

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Updates (Submit Update)
09/06/05: Oriel using FTSE4Good
Oriel college are using the FTSE4Good as a guide for Socially Responsible Invetment
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09/05/05: Response to Freedom of Information Request
In response to a request for a list of companies in which Oriel Invests under the Freedom of Information Act, the college refused to disclose their current investments.
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12/01/05: Oriel divests from two tobbacco firms
After a presentation to the Finance and Estates Committee last term, Oriel has begun a proccess of engaging with its fund managers on the issues of SRI, resulting so far in divestment from two tobbacco companies.
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17/11/04: Presentation to Investment Committee
I made a presentation to the Oriel Investment and Finance Committee today...
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16/11/04: Research Update (November 2004)
Details of college fund manager, their SRI options and the Development Trust.
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14/11/04: Oriel JCR Transparency Motion Overwhelmingly Passed
A motion requesting that the JCR call upon the College to be transparent in its investment decisions has been passed overwhelming by the JCR.
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14/11/04: New Social Action Forum
A new Social Action Forum for Oriel College has been created. The group are likely to work on Socially Responsible Investment issues...
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31/10/04: General Updates
Updates on SRI in Oriel from 31st October 2004.
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29/10/04: SRI, Fairtrade and Environment Meeting Sunday 31st November - 3pm
There will be a meeting the JCR, Sunday 31st November for anyone interested in campaigning on SRI, Fairtrade of the Environment in college.
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18/09/04: SRI In Oriel
I'm looking to start an Oriel SRI Campaign in 2004/05
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01/12/02: 2001 / 2002 Not In Our Names Campaign
Information from the 2001 / 2 Not in Our Names SRI Campaign.
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Resources (Submit Resource)
18/11/04: Report to Oriel Investment and Finance Committee
A two page report to the Oriel Investment and Finance Committee that can be adapted for other colleges if wanted.
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14/11/04: Oriel JCR Motion - 14/11/04
The following motion went to the Oriel JCR on 14/11/04 to call for transparency in the colleges investments.
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17/11/04: Financial Statutes of Oriel College
I've taken all the bits from the college statutes (Nov 2001 version) that might be relevant to investment...
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14/11/04: Oriel Survey Results (.xls file)
An online survey of over 100 Oriel Students showed a clear support for Socially Responsible Investment principles. The results will be taken to the Investment Committee this week (6th Wk MT04).
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18/09/04: Getting Things Done - Oriel Decision Making Flow Diagram (PDF)
This flow diagram shows the decision making structures within Oriel College (03/04) and how Students can feed into those.
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18/09/04: Decision Making Bodies in Oriel (PDF)
This PDF briefly explains the nature of the different decision making bodies within Oriel College (03/04)
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14/11/04: Results of an Online Survey carried out in Oriel November 04 (Word Document .doc)
This word file summarises the results of an online survey carried out across over 100 members of Oriel College. The results may be of interest to other colleges also.
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Research Tools:

Useful Links
Akme 2003 College Accounts - A copy of the 2002 and 2003 College accounts. Summary and PDF file to download. Most accounts also include details on your college aims and objectives, and fund managers being used. Look here for more info on what you can find out from your college accounts.

Search Tools
Search Oriel College Website
This search box will search the Google index from the Oriel College website only. Try searching for 'Investments', 'Statutes', 'Policies' & Freedom of Informationfor more information on the SRI potential of your college. Note, this will only index publicly available files. Some resources such as statutes and policies may only be available from within your college network.

Link to this page: http://www.srioxford.org.uk/colleges/Oriel

Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign is campaigning for clear committment to Socially Responsible Investment from Oxford University and for greater financial transparency in the investments of Oxford University Colleges. This website contains information about the campaign, and details on how you can get involved